A perfectionist is great at setting a high bar for his/herself and pushing through to the achievement of them. Nit-picking at any and all details that get in the way of bettering oneself, a perfectionist in the ever-evolving relationship of me-and-myself, at some point along the path, must inevitably come to the unavoidable hurdle:

Is my perfectionism getting in my own way?

The answer to that, chances are, is YES.

If you’re asking yourself that question, it is obvious you’re feeling some traction there. If you’re anything like me, after many rounds of what feels like a marathon to reach that goal you’ve set for yourself and NOT getting there, perhaps it is time to sit back and re-evaluate your situation.

I discovered that even going after perfection, at the end of the day, is an obstacle in and of itself.

Because, upon careful examination, I realized that what I was really after was my image of perfection; the idea of perfection—and THAT WAS something of a mirage, something I will never catch because it does not actually exist.

Well, it’s good to know I’m not really failing at something that I’m supposed to be getting, right?

Being focused on the image and idea of perfection actually only highlighted my:

-       Shortcomings
-       Perceived Flaws, and
-       Imperfections

. . . which we all know only leads to self-shaming.

Okay, perfectionists.

Let’s take a breather and let that sink in for a bit.

My point is, Perfection Just Happens.

(I got that off a welcome card at the hotel I was staying in, but still it holds true!)  

So then, the question becomes,